Social and Cultural Anthropology- A Very Short Introduction

Social and Cultural Anthropology- A Very Short Introduction

An Anthropologist in Japan - Glimpses of Life in the Field

An Anthropologist in Japan – Glimpses of Life in the Field

The Innocent Anthropologist - Notes from a Mud Hut

The Innocent Anthropologist – Notes from a Mud Hut

Why Humans Have Cultures - Explaining Anthropology

Why Humans Have Cultures – Explaining Anthropology and Social Diversity

Veiled Sentiments - Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society

Veiled Sentiments – Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society

Tree of Origin - What Primate Behavior Can Tell Us about Human Social Evolution

Tree of Origin – What Primate Behavior Can Tell Us about Human Social Evolution

Sense and Nonsense - Evolutionary perspectives on human behaviour

Sense and Nonsense – Evolutionary perspectives on human behaviour